
Students are responsible for knowing the following: 

Solicitation and/or the sale of items in residence halls are prohibited. Individuals, student organizations, or businesses are not allowed to solicit or raise funds in the residence hall without approval from the Residential Education & Housing Services (REHS) Director. 

Solicitation includes but is not limited to selling products or services, campaigning, door-to-door collections or sales, signage or postage, and social media sales directing individuals to a residential space or Occidental property. This also includes running formal or informal businesses within the residence (e.g. food distribution, haircuts, beauty services.) Individuals are prohibited from entering residential facilities for the purpose of business and should be immediately reported to Campus Safety.

Student organizations must adhere to the guidelines established by the Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Community Engagement (SLICE) for solicitation and fundraising. Failure to comply with this policy will result in disciplinary action through the Office of Student Conduct.

Last Updated July 2024

Contact Student Affairs about the Handbook