
Students are responsible for knowing the following:

Flyers and posters to be distributed in residence halls must be delivered to the Office of Residential Education and Housing Services for posting approval.

Initially, students must bring one copy of the material to Residential Education and Housing Services to be reviewed and stamped. Next, up to 50 copies of the flyer/poster may be delivered to the office. For poster sizes 11 x 17 inches or larger, please submit 20 for posting. Residents or visitors may not post materials in the residence halls themselves. Clubs can post their own material only after receiving approval from one of the Associate Directors of Residential Education and Housing Services. Any posted materials that do not follow this policy will be removed. 

Notices, flyers, and posters for events sponsored by Residential Education and Housing Services may be posted in the halls by residence hall staff only. Materials to be posted elsewhere on campus require approval by the office of Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement.

Contact Student Affairs about the Handbook