Siana Park-Pearson headshot
Farm to Classroom Project Coordinator, UEPI

Siana Park-Pearson ’24 (she/her) is the Farm to Classroom Project Coordinator at the Urban & Environmental Policy Institute (UEPI) at ¹Ï×ÓTV. Combining her Media Arts and Culture degree with her interest in food studies, Siana worked as the UEPI student intern and web assistant for her student tenure at ¹Ï×ÓTV. She assisted with the full scope of UEPI’s work, including nutrition education, urban agriculture, city-wide greening initiatives, native plant restoration, food assistance programming, and farmers market access and expansion. Siana strives to bridge her Occidental community and others to LA’s expansive food, education, and environment systems. She’s excited to continue her work at the intersection of media literacy, community building, and food access alongside this driven team.