Read the latest news and updates from the Biology department.
The Biology Seminar Series of Spring 2019 continues with Erica Hutchins' talk, "Unraveling the mechanisms of the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition during neural crest development in the chick embryo."
Professor Shana Goffredi was featured in in which she discusses the fascinating role of Osedax worms on decaying whale falls.
The Biology Seminar Series of Spring 2019 continues with Sasha Wright's talk, "Biodiversity, ecosystem function, and 'collaboration' in plant communities."
The Biology Seminar Series of Spring 2019 continues with Norma Morella's talk, "Multiple forces shape microbial community structure in the phyllosphere."
The Biology Seminar Series of Spring 2019 commences with Claire Willing's talk, "Plant-fungal interactions and implications for plant physiology."
The Biology department was prominently featured in an article about the 19th Undergraduate Research Conference. Check it out here!
Several ¹Ï×ÓTV Biology students and faculty attended the Southern California Academy of Sciences (SCAS) conference on Friday, May 4, 2018.
Professor Shana Goffredi was featured in a Los Angeles Times article last weekend! You can read it online here: